Tafod Arian: Lleuwen Steffan


“Archeolegydd Cerddorol” Rhys Mwyn, BBC Radio Cymru


"I expected her to sing a series of lost hymns, or takes on them, with guitar or other instrument and to get on my way before too late for an early night. I knew we’d all be presented with archival music, but its presentation was my first shock, for want of a better word. We were in an old chapel - pulpit, pews, a time capsule of scent stirring familiarity, but her ‘kit’, particularly her samplers and musical methodology were more reminiscent of the likes of Moby and PJ Harvey. What she did with this kit, I have never seen or heard before." Stephen Price, Nation Cymru


"A voice of archetypal Welsh beauty - simultaneously heavenly and earthy - a true soul whammy.” Chris May, All About Jazz

Bwcio'r sioe

Eisiau bwcio Lleuwen Steffan i berfformio Tafod Arian yn eich eich lleoliad?

Cysylltwch â Rheolwr Prosiect Tafod Arian i archebu ac am fwy o wybodaeth.