1. Who can compete?
    The stage competitions in the music section are open to anyone who complies with general rule No. 12, and not principally working as a professional musician. This rule does not apply to conductors, music teachers in schools or competitors in the composition section.
    Note that the competitions are open to anyone born in Wales, anyone with one (or both) parent(s) born in Wales, anyone who can speak or write Welsh, or anyone who has lived in Wales for at least a year prior to 31 August 2024, with the exception of the instrumental scholarships and the Towyn Roberts Scholarship where competitors are required to have lived in Wales for at least 3 years immediately prior to 31 August 2024.
  2. Pitch
    The International Standard Concert Pitch (A-440 Hz) will be used in all vocal and instrumental competitions requiring the use of a piano.
  3. Key
    In all competitions, only the specified edition and key will be permitted unless stated otherwise.
  4. Cadenza
    Competitors are free to vary the cadenza or to include a cadenza or optional high notes where it is customary, but adjudicators must be notified of any changes beforehand.
  5. Accompanists
    Competitors must accept the services of the Eisteddfod’s official accompanists in all competitions, with the exception of the choral, musical theatre and instrumental competitions. The Eisteddfod will strive to supply the same accompanist for the preliminary and final rounds.
  6. David Ellis Memorial Prize
    Adjudicators will choose up to three competitors from the over 25 vocal categories to compete in the David Ellis Memorial Prize competition. No individual will be allowed to enter more than one competition in this category.
  7. Osborne Roberts Memorial Prize
    Adjudicators will choose up to three competitors from the under 25 vocal categories to compete in the Osborne Roberts Memorial Prize competition. No individual will be allowed to enter more than one competition in this category.
  8. Copyright
    It is the responsibility of choirs, parties, groups or individuals to obtain the copyright of any self- selection pieces. This must be stated on the competition form. Further guidance and instructions can be found in the ‘Competitions’ section of the Eisteddfod website.
  9. Own Choice Selection
    1. The competitor is permitted to select a key in an own selection piece, but this key must appear in a published copy of the song for the use of the adjudicators.
    2. Competitors entering the Hymn Singing over 60, Solo Performance of a Song from a Musical over 19 and the Solo Performance of a Song from a Musical under 19 may sing in any key.
    3. One copy of each own choice selection piece must be uploaded by 15 June 2024, with the words set beneath the music.
    4. All vocal pieces must be sung in Welsh. Choirs are allowed to include one song without words in their programme if they so wish. Welsh words for set pieces can be ordered by contacting the Eisteddfod Office or by completing the order form in the back of the List of Competitions or online.
  10. Choirs
    1. Membership: No person shall compete in a choir without having been a member of that choir for two months immediately preceding the Eisteddfod and no one may sing in more than one choir in the same competition.
    2. Solo Parts: No choir is permitted to choose pieces with prominent solo parts. If there are some solo parts within a piece, the conductor must use more than one voice to sing these sections. Songs using the choir as ‘backing singers’ for substantial sections should not be chosen.
    3. Timing: Each choir has 12 minutes ‘singing time’ (from the first note to the final note of each song), and this can include an unspecified number of songs with or without accompaniment. Choirs must adhere to this rule and will be penalised if they exceed the time limit. A list of the penalties is included in the General Rules and Conditions.
    4. Rostra: The Eisteddfod provides a rostra.
  11. Definition of ‘A Welsh composer’
    A person born in Wales, of Welsh descent or who has worked in Wales.
  12. Scholarships
    No scholarship can be won more than once. The money offered in each scholarship is to be used to promote the individual’s career, and the winner will be expected to prove that the money is used in accordance with this rule. Contact the Eisteddfod Office for more information. See also point 1 in the Special Conditions of this section.
    *** See also rule 12, General Rules and Conditions – Right to Compete.
  13. Competing
    No one may compete more than once in the same stage competition.
  14. Age
    Please note that the competitor must be within the competition’s age range on 31 August 2024.
  15. Copies
    It is illegal to make your own additional copies of music, poetry or any published work

NB You should ensure that you have read the General Rules and Conditions before competing.